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Rugsėjo 27-28 d. balsai iš Lietuvos Gioteburgo knygų mugėje
2007-09-24, 21:48

Rugsėjo 27-28 d. Gioteburgo knygų mugėje dalyvaus keturi atstovai iš Lietuvos – tai filosofas Leonidas Donskis, rašytoja Giedra Radvilavičiūtė, eseistai ir poetai: Rolandas Rastauskas, Rimvydas Stankevičius ir Kęstutis Navakas.

Voices from Lithuania
Lithuanian Events at the Göteborg Book Fair 2007

27 September 2007
Göteborg Book Fair, Room G3, 2nd floor


Seminar Competing memories – a part of Europe’s identity

The Lithuanian philosopher Leonidas Donskis, the Latvian historian Aivars Stranga and the Swedish systematic theologian Ola Sigurdson discuss how the analyses of the Holocaust, the World War II and both Nazi and Soviet crimes against humanity have influenced and changed current European identity. Moderator: Göran Rosenberg,author and journalist Language: English

The Embassy of Lithuania in Stockholm in cooperation with Göteborg University, the Lithuanian Institute, the Latvian Literature Centre and the Embassy of Latvia in Stockholm


Göteborg Book Fair, Room J1, 2nd floor

Seminar Essais, Mon aMour!

The Lithuanian essayists Giedra Radvilaviciute and Rolandas Rastauskas and their Swedish colleague Ulf Eriksson discuss the essay as a phenomenon, new trends and similarities and differences of the genre in Sweden and Lithuania.

Moderator: Gunnar D Hansson,

author Language: English

The Embassy of Lithuania in Stockholm in cooperation with Göteborg University, the Books from Lithuania and the Lithuanian Institute


Göteborg Book Fair, Hall F, stage Voices from the World, 2nd floor discussion old and new forms of Censorship: politics of the individual voice

For the writers and intellectuals of the Baltic’s, the last 20 years have marked a rapid transition – first, from strong ideological censorship to unrestricted informational space, and then back to another form of regulated expression, where the voice of an individual is heard when it speaks words that sell well. Participants: Leonidas Donskis (LT) and Rein Raud (EE)

Announcer: Jonas Öhman, translator

Language: English

The Embassy of Lithuania in Stockholm in cooperation with Göteborg Book Fair


Göteborg City library, Götaplatsen readings & discussion. literary programme of lithuania and BelaruS

Participants: Rolandas Rastauskas, Rimvydas Stankevicius
and Kestutis Navakas (LT), Valzhyna Mort (BY)

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